
The name Short Season Games was created in December 2022, but my own sports sim life started in the 90s with Strat-O-Matic and APBA, followed by a lacrosse game of my own creation in the early 00s. Short Season (formerly “Muffin 9”) emerged in my head during the pandemic when I couldn’t justify buying every available SOM baseball team, then evolved into a side project, and finally became the result of forging together a lifelong love of sports sim games with two years of experiments and spreadsheets. I honestly love the games I’ve played, but each one had something I’d want to tweak or add, and that’s a major part of where this came from.

Short Season Games has several goals:

  • To create games, especially sports games, that are quick-playing, exciting, and easy to grasp
  • To keep games affordable with a ton of both solo and multiplayer replay value
  • To keep components small enough that games could be played on a train’s seatback tray table
  • And, to the extent possible, offer some form of every major team in every major sport from every possible season

To those ends, every game that gets posted here is not only something I want to play, but something I actually have played. And I hope you’ll want to play as well!

If you have any questions, comments, or anything else related to these games, please feel free to reach out to shortseasongames(at)gmail.com.