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Dice Day 2023 announcement

Before I even knew what this website would be called (or would *be*, period), I had an idea. I’m a big fan of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales some game sites have, how they go all out on the discounts and really invite players in to go crazy in their stores at a reduced cost. I mean, who isn’t? No one can resist a 15% off everything sale.

But I wished there were more of them at other points in the year. And that’s when I came up with Dice Day.

Dice Day will be a one-day only sale determined by, what else, my dice. I roll for the day (d4,2d10), and I roll for the discount (15% + d20). Easy!

So I’m excited to announce that Dice Day 2023 will be…day 1-2-0, or April 30! And the discount will be…29% off!

Come back on April 30 for your 29% discount on everything! And there may still be a few surprises in store, too–you’ll have to wait and see!